Creating memories

you will want to revisit.

Northeast Ohio Contractors for the kids Our purpose is to fulfill our community to its fullest potential. We believe that starts with our children. The ones that get left behind. We are an outreach organization of business men and women, who care for their future. Our goal will never end, but we plan to get there one child at a time. We want to fill their hearts and minds with the ease of knowing that they matter, that we care. To provide a safe space for them to grow and learn. Please helps us in achieving our goal and donations are welcomed. Fundraiser will be held at Brooklyn Memorial Park, Veterans Old Stone Pavilion, 7619 Memphis Ave, Brooklyn, OH 44144. To order tickets please call or email Wayne Marquis

Empowerment and Confidence:

At Northeast Ohio Contractors for Kids, we believe that empowering children is key to their success and well-being. We're committed to nurturing their potential, building their self-confidence, and helping them develop into resilient individuals who are ready to face life's challenges.

Saving One Child At A Time

Provide Essential Supplies: Help children succeed in their education by contributing to the purchase of textbooks, notebooks, pencils, and other essential school supplies.

Empower Learning: Your donation directly impacts a child's ability to engage fully in the classroom and achieve their academic goals.

Transform Lives: By supporting education, you're investing in a brighter future for these children and helping them break barriers through knowledge.

Clothes for Confidence:

Boost Self-Esteem: Help build children's confidence and self-esteem by donating clothing that allows them to focus on their education without worrying about their appearance.Inspire Success: Suitable clothing can motivate children to attend school regularly and actively participate, setting them on a path to academic achievement.Make a Lasting Impact: Your donation of clothing not only provides physical comfort but also empowers children with the confidence they need to succeed.
